English-speaking Alcoholics Anonymous in Poland

If you are an English speaker in Poland and need help with your drinking problem, we have good news: there is an active English-speaking AA community in Poland.

We also have members in Toruń and Bydgoszcz who are able to connect with the new or in-need alcoholic anywhere in Poland by phone.

If you are searching for an English-speaking AA contact, please send your:

a) name
b) location
c) phone number

to englishaatorun@gmail.com

Your phone number will be passed to a member who will contact you within 24 hours.

Our group’s meeting takes place in person in Toruń every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at Kasztanowa 16, 87-100 Toruń (in Izba Wytrzeźwień).

If you need help finding English meetings online or in-person in other Polish cities, reach out to the e-mail address above.